Saturday, February 25, 2012

Private SMS MMS Box v3.1 APK FULL

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Please dial password (default 1234) to open this application
Hides your secure Private SMS MMS
Willing to make conversation like IM?
Please dial password (default 1234) to open this application.
Looking to secure your private MMS and SMS?
Willing to make conversation like IM?
Your privacy is our high priority objective.
Note: On upgrade Password will be reset to 1234.
After open application, from setting you can create application shortcut for easy access.

1. MMS support(BETA).(only Image)
2. User friendly chatting(conversation) view.
3. Threading View
4. Password protected SMS/MMS box.
5. Hide Application in device for more privacy. Just dial you password to open application.(default password will be "1234")
6. Customize Notification text for more privacy.
7. Option to move old SMS/MMS to Private database.
8. Option to move back private SMS/MMS when contact removed from private list.
9. Option to set Timer to close Private SMS/MMS Box application when idle.
10. No SMS logs in callhistory (Samsung Captivate)
11. Easy to move contact from/to private database.
12. Export / Import your private SMS/MMS database. (even you can move from one device to other)
13. Instance customer support.
1. Please make sure you have not installed any other SMS related third party application on device.
2. Please remove "Private SMS Box-AD" before installing paid version.
3. To hide application from list you may need to uninstall old version.
How MMS works:
- Your MMS will be moved to private database when its completely sent or received.
- will use native application to send/receive mms, to get better performance.
- Your in-progress MMS like sending... or receiving.. will be in native messaging application only. Will be moved when its completely sent or received.


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