Sunday, June 03, 2012

SmartShift Lockscreen v1.14 APK

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Make your smartphone even smarter!

SmartShift customisable lock screen changes based on time and location to give you what you need, when you need it.

SmartShift is a dynamic custom lock screen and profile automation app that changes everything from lock screen shortcuts, phone settings to visual theme based on time, date, location and other inputs.

Your phone will understand when it’s the time and place to work, play, or slow down and relax! For example, at home SmartShift might show you your video collection, twitter and Facebook status, then switch to show your music widget when you plug your headphones in. When you get into the car it brings up traffic updates and weather info, but switches off the wifi to save the battery. When you get to work it connects to the office wifi and switches to silent so your friend calling to plan a night out doesn’t disturb your meeting!

SmartShift also lets you fully customize your lockscreen through adding your own widgets as well as built in widgets for services like Twitter and Facebook, choosing different unlock methods, tweaking colours to match your wallpaper and many more. It comes with inbuilt themes and you can download more from within the app to give endless customization.

SmartShift goes further than other lock screens by letting you define different profiles and assigning triggers to switch between them. It makes your phone truly smart, changing itself rather than waiting for you to tell it.

What's in this version : (Updated : May 30, 2012)
minor bug fixes
Reduced size and added move to SD Card support
Various bug and stability fixes



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